Mammals Among Us: California's Coast
As a group, mammals are surprisingly diverse. While all mammals breathe air, have fur or hair, and give birth to live young, they vary significantly in their habitats and modes of transportation. While most walk or hop while moving about on land, some fly and others swim, some spending most or all of their lives in water! While some of these aquatic mammals spend a good deal of time on land at the water's edge, like seals and sea lions, other mammals, such as whales and dolphins, never leave the marine environment they were exquisitely designed to inhabit. With 840 miles of coastline (ranking third in the nation behind Alaska and Florida), it is perhaps not surprising that marine mammals make up a significant portion of California's wildlife. Let's explore the variety of mammals that may be seen along California's beautiful coast and within its offshore waters. Sea Otter, Elkhorn Slough Sea Otters, the most aquatic members of the weasel family, only rarely come asho...