A Naturalist Abroad: Wagtails and Wheatears and Redstarts, Oh My!
Yesterday I wrote about the impressive and somewhat legendary White Storks ļ»æ we saw while traveling in Switzerland. Being most familiar with California birds, the storks were rather exotic to me. Less conspicuous but no less beautiful were the smaller birds, the songbirds of Switzerland. At first glance they might not seem very impressive, these little common birds of Europe, but they are still exotic and exciting when seen for the first time. And certainly these European birds are beautiful no matter how many times one has seen them! A note: I am a very, very long way from knowing my birds of Europe, and open to corrections of the following identifications! White Wagtail Pictured above is a White Wagtail ( Motacilla alba ) , a bird that I recognized immediately as a member of the same family as our familiar American Pipit ( Anthus rubescens ). The big tip-off is this bird's habit of ...