A Compilation of Terrible Owl Photos From 2018
I often mention that owls are perhaps my most favorite group of birds. They are beautiful, powerful and mysterious; every encounter with one of these magnificent creatures evokes a sense of awe and wonder. North America boasts an impressive 19 species of owl, all of which can be found in the Western United States. Over a dozen species (15-ish, to be more accurate) are found in California alone. That number is a little vague due to owls' nocturnal habits and many species' preference for remote habitats. For example, biologists suspect there may be Boreal Owls wintering deep in the remote montane forests of Northern California and the Sierra Nevada, where snowfall is heavy, roads or even trails are few and far between, and humans rarely venture. And desert-dwelling Elf Owls may or may not be still clinging to survival in dwindling habitat along the Colorado River. While some species are rarely seen, others are quite common. Though populations of Spotted...