12 Days of [a California Birder's] Christmas

Between Christmas, December 25th, and Epiphany, January 6th, lie twelve days traditionally set aside for feasting and celebration, forever memorialized in a popular song: The Twelve Days of Christmas.

I'm sure you know the song - and have heard it played a couple dozen times since Thanksgiving - but this year Eric and I made up our own lyrics.

So, without further ado, enjoy my little bit of Christmas corniness!

 On the first day of Christmas, my birder gave to me,
A Pine Siskin eating thistle seeds.

On the second day of Christmas, my birder gave to me,
Two Mourning Doves,
And a Pine Siskin eating thistle seeds.

On the third day of Christmas, my birder gave to me,
Three Marsh Wrens,
Two Mourning Doves,
And a Pine Siskin eating thistle seeds.

...And on it goes...

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my birder gave to me,
Twelve Dippers diving,
Eleven Plovers piping,
Ten Larks a-peeping,
Nine Lazuli Bunting,
Eight Marbled Murrelet,
Seven Tundra Swans,
Six Ross's Geese,
Five Goldfinches.
Four Mockingbirds,
Three Marsh Wrens,
Two Mourning Doves,
And a Pine Siskin eating thistle seeds.

Merry Christmas,


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