Summary of Del Puerto Canyon Reservoir Final Environmental Impact Report, Part III
If you've been with me through Parts I and II of this series, where we talked about the arguments against damming and flooding Del Puerto Canyon and then looked at a long list of sensitive species that may be displaced by the project, you may have a few questions. You may be thinking, with thousands of acres of habitat available in the Coast Ranges, why would the loss of a mere thousand acres matter? Isn't there plenty of available habitat left for wildlife? What is the point of this, anyway? Progress is progress, you say, water is life, agriculture feeds the Valley (and many, many far-flung regions beyond), so what is the loss of a thousand or so acres of habitat in the grand scheme of things? Yet this has been the story over and over and over again in California, for the last 200 years: the relentless march of "progress," taking all we can possibly take with little regard for the destruction left behind. Habitat fragmentation has plague...