Social Media for Naturalists + Some Great Resources

I'm not much for social media; I take a minimalist approach and stick to the very basics. (Does e-mail count?) But within the past year or so, I've discovered a wealth of resources available online for the naturalist. Some are more interactive than others, like traditional social media, and others are more useful for reference. But I have found all of them to be valuable tools for sharing and gaining information, and wanted to share my favorites with you. Top Five Online Resources for Naturalists 1. iNaturalist ( ) ļ»æ ļ»æ iNaturalist is quickly gaining momentum in the citizen science community, and is a wonderful photo-based tool for naturalists of all ages and skill levels. Kids and families can participate, professors and researchers can participate; and everyone benefits. ļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æThe concept is simple: download the app on your smartphone, or visit the website and se...