The Most Iconic Birds of Christmas
Can anyone really argue that there is a more iconic bird of Christmas in North America than the strikingly scarlet Northern Cardinal? With brilliant crimson plumage that both matches red holly berries and contrasts beautifully with evergreen foliage and white snow, the cardinal seems to embody everything in the natural world that is beautiful in wintertime - and by extension, Christmastime. But, there may be more than one iconic winter bird out there that deserves to grace wintery Christmas cards and the December page of the calendar. Join me in a little festive bird-related fun as I muse over a few additional species that I wouldn't mind seeing crafted into Christmas tree ornaments, shaped into sugar cookies, and emblazoned on Christmas sweaters! A somewhat wintery Northern Cardinal... in Texas. Hands down, the most iconic bird of Christmas in North America! As indisputably beautiful as Northern Cardinals are, in their dashing little red winter coats, bird...