Battlefield Birding
Last July, my history professor husband and I took a trip to Mississippi, Tennessee and Georgia to visit a selection of Civil War battlefields that comprise the "western theater" of that great war. From our starting point in Vicksburg, Mississippi, we drove north up the scenic Natchez Trace Parkway to Shiloh, Tennessee, then northeast to Fort Donelson, where we also contrived to visit the Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge. We then made our way back to the southeast, where we visited the Nashville area and Murfreesboro before heading to Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain, ending our tour of battlefields with Chickamauga in Georgia. If those places and names mean little to you beside hazy memories of your high school U.S. history class, fear not. This is less about the history (sorry, Eric) and more about the wildlife that thrives in these historic places. The preservation of battlefields over the last century has led to the inadvertent creation of some excel...