The Difference Between Blackbirds and Black Birds: More Than Merely Grammar!
Not all blackbirds are black birds. And not all black birds are blackbirds. Confused yet? You're not alone. Distinguishing a blackbird from a mere black-colored bird involves more than just grammatical pedanticism: it's a matter of taxonomy. Red-winged Blackbird (California bi-colored subspecies) Taxonomy may be defined as the systematic classification of living organisms into groups based on shared characteristics. But taxonomy is not just for ornithologists; understanding how certain species are similar to each other can add a lot to the casual bird watcher's understanding of and appreciation for our avian friends. Tricolored Blackbird: Similar to Red-winged Blackbird in appearance, but endemic to California and entirely different in sound and breeding habits. When an ordinary casual observer of birds describes a bird as a "black bird," they're often referring to the bird's color: maybe the bird really is a blackbird, but it could just as likely be a ...