They're Back! Like Clockwork, the Sandhill Cranes Have Returned
For the past two years, the 26th of September has been a special day for me as a naturalist, as it has marked my personal FOS Sandhill Crane sighting. (For those not up to snuff on birding lingo, "FOS" stands for "first of season," and helps keep a record of the timing of migration by denoting when the first individuals of a migratory species show up each spring or fall. Over time, a pattern of certain migrants arriving earlier or later can point to larger-scale phenomena, like climate change. So, if you're out birding, be sure to note your FOS-es!) During the last few weeks of September, I begin to feel it: a change in the air (despite the high temperatures), a restlessness in the natural world. Things are happening! I begin scanning the skies, checking the wetlands, listening a little bit more carefully. And then one day I hear it: the distinct croaking call of the Sandhill Crane! Yesterday, I heard the call and was delighted to look up into th...