Spring at San Luis NWR
It is a wonderful time of year, probably the best time of year, to be a naturalist in the Great Central Valley! Spring has arrived, bringing with it ample sunshine and mild temperatures, and the wild lands are leafing out and bursting forth with new life. Rainfall was low this year, so the wildflower displays won't be anything above average, but the flowers are certainly out there, blooming away and making the most of their short growing season. On the bird front, this is a time of great transition, a changing of the guard as overwintering birds begin to depart for their breeding grounds, and birds that have been absent, wintering in Central and South America, begin to return. At the end of March, we are perched right on the brink of that delightful time in the birding year known as spring migration. A year-round marsh resident, this Red-winged Blackbird shows off his impressive red epaulettes. A couple of days ago, we spent a beautifully warm, sunny day out at S...