American Dipper: John Muir's Water Ouzel

So beloved was the Water Ouzel to John Muir, he devoted an entire chapter of his 1894 book The Mountains of California to describing its life history.  And the Water Ouzel, now more commonly called the American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) certainly is an enchanting and unique little bird, the only aquatic songbird in North America.  Not only does this bird sing a beautiful song, but it also dives in rapids and waterfalls, even in the cold of winter, and can be found in the Sierra Nevada year-round.

Water Ouzel, or American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) in Arnot Creek, near the Clark Fork of the Stanislaus River

I will let John Muir himself describe the Ouzel, as his description is superior to mine:

"THE waterfalls of the Sierra are frequented by only one bird, --the Ouzel or Water Thrush ( Cinclus Mexicanus , Sw.). He is a singularly joyous and lovable little fellow, about the size of a robin, clad in a plain waterproof suit of bluish gray, with a tinge of chocolate on the head and shoulders. In form he is about as smoothly plump and compact as a pebble that has been whirled in a pot-hole, the flowing contour of his body being interrupted only by his strong feet and bill, the crisp wing-tips, and the up-slanted wren-like tail."

Water Ouzel, with a tasty aquatic insect

I have seen Water Ouzels twice in the past two summers, and both times they have been along rapid streams, as expected, bobbing, dipping and plunging its head into the water in characteristic Dipper fashion.  In California, the Ouzel is at home in coastal streams, the forests of the northwest, and even southern California streams, as well as the Sierra. 

Muir goes on to describe the close association the Ouzel has with clear, cold, rapidly flowing water. 

"Among all the countless waterfalls I have met in the course of ten years' exploration in the Sierra, whether among the icy peaks, or warm foot-hills, or in the profound yosemitic cañons of the middle region, not one was found without its Ouzel. No cañon is too cold for this little bird, none too lonely, provided it be rich in falling water. Find a fall, or cascade, or rushing rapid, anywhere upon a clear stream, and there you will surely find its complementary Ouzel, flitting about in the spray, diving in foaming eddies, whirling like a leaf among beaten foam-bells; ever vigorous and enthusiastic, yet self-contained, and neither seeking nor shunning your company."

Water ouzel, insect in beak.  Note the long pinkish legs and unwebbed feet.

The American Dipper feeds on aquatic insects and their larvae, swimming, diving, wading, even moving rocks on the bottom of streams to expose prey.  They also eat worms and small fish and their eggs.  Dippers build woven nests close to their stream habitat, often on cliff ledges or boulders, behind waterfalls, even under bridges.  They depend on clear, unpolluted streams, and water pollution is of concern when considering the Ouzel's future.

Because he is a favorite of mine, and because his writing is so beautiful, I will leave you with one more tidbit from John Muir, in which he captures the essence of the Water Ouzel in near poetry, as is his way.

"He is the mountain streams' own darling, the humming-bird of blooming waters, loving rocky ripple-slopes and sheets of foam as a bee loves flowers, as a lark loves sunshine and meadows. Among all the mountain birds, none has cheered me so much in my lonely wanderings, --none so unfailingly. For both in winter and summer he sings, sweetly, cheerily, independent alike of sunshine and of love, requiring no other inspiration than the stream on which he dwells. While water sings, so must he, in heat or cold, calm or storm, ever attuning his voice in sure accord; low in the drought of summer and the drought of winter, but never silent."
All quotes taken from The Mountains of California, Chapter 13, by John Muir, 1894


  1. Great writing, pictures, and amazing quote.

  2. This afternoon my husband and I observed a Water Ouzel flitting, dipping and dashing past us calling out its song in and along Bull Creek in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, northern California. I remembered that the Ouzel was Muir's favorite bird and have passed this entry along to my husband to enjoy. Thank you so much for the combination of Muir's words and your commentary along with photos. What a lovely way to share this information with my favorite hiker and bird enthusiast!

    1. That's wonderful! Thanks for sharing! It's always a treat to get to watch one of these special birds and listen to its beautiful song.

  3. Why was the name changed to American Dipper. I saw this bird in 1972 but didn't get the spelling or the 'water' have not found it on line proving to everyone that I made up the bird. So why the name change? And I do like Ouzel better.

    1. "Ouzel" is a common name used for some European blackbirds (which are actually in the thrush family, to further complicate things). Dippers are superficially similar to these birds, but not related, so my guess is the name was changed to more accurately associate them with the world's four other related species of dippers, all in family Cinclidae. Thanks for reading! :)


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About Me

Named after the Sierra Nevada Mountains, I am a naturalist and avid birder based in Central California. Above all, I am a follower of Jesus Christ, our amazingly good Creator God whose magnificent creation is an unending source of awe and inspiration for me. I hope to inspire others to appreciate, respect and protect this beautiful earth we share, and invite you to come along with me as I explore the nature of California and beyond!
- Siera Nystrom -

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