
Welcome to Natural History Journal, a personal nature journal made available to all.  You have found a place of shared adventures and discoveries, stories and facts, a place where nature is viewed with wonder and awe, delight and excitement, and above all, respect. 

Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), Eastern Sierra Nevada

Topics that are of particular interest to me include: ecology, biology and geology; birding, botanizing and tide-pooling; hiking, camping and traveling.  And, perhaps most importantly, conservation and living a more sustainable lifestyle.

The impetus behind this blogging project is to document my adventures as a naturalist and share with others about the natural world.  

But my ultimate goal is to share much more than just information: I want to share the awe and wonder I feel at the beauty and intricacy of the natural world, convey the feeling of peace and fulfillment that is only received through engaging with Creation and its Creator, and impart in everyone a desire to protect and preserve this incredible planet we all get to share. 

Based in Central California, I am blessed to have access to a wide range of ecosystems, from glistening tide pools along the rocky coast, to mixed conifer forests and alpine fell fields in the Sierra, to captivating deserts of desolate beauty.  And yet so many people know comparatively little of the wonders the nature of California has to offer! 

I live in a highly agricultural region, surrounded by farms and ranches that have nearly erased all traces of California's former sprawling grasslands, wetlands and oak savannas.  Many of my fellow Californians are little acquainted with the delicate, fleeting wildflowers of vernal pools, the iridescence of a Tree Swallow's wings, or the powerful emotions evoked by witnessing a flock of Snow Geese take flight.  I hope to change that.

Information presented on this blog has been obtained through my formal education (I hold a bachelor's in ag biology), years of personal experience exploring the great outdoors, and lots and lots of reading!  But I am not an expert, and I certainly don't have all the answers; there is more to learn every day.  I apologize if a fact is accidentally misrepresented and I gladly welcome correction.  

This is, after all, intended to be a learning experience for everyone!


About Me

Named after the Sierra Nevada Mountains, I am a naturalist and avid birder based in Central California. Above all, I am a follower of Jesus Christ, our amazingly good Creator God whose magnificent creation is an unending source of awe and inspiration for me. I hope to inspire others to appreciate, respect and protect this beautiful earth we share, and invite you to come along with me as I explore the nature of California and beyond!
- Siera Nystrom -

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